
Fasten your authorisation time

With the fastest authorisation time in the market JPharmacy is the key for running your health insurance business in the best way.

The insured get their medication in any of your contracted pharmacy networks through a highly controlled set of rules which control all necessary control for highest Straight Through Process rates.

The settlement processes with the Insurance Provider is quickly achieved by posting

  • Payment requests
  • Delivery of prescriptions
  • Collateral documents

Embedded Abuse Management & Leakage control rules decrease your loss ratio

  • Dosage control
  • Gender
  • Vaccination rights
  • Doctor speciality & drug compatibility
  • Equivalent medication,
  • Pricing rules and many other aspects described in your health insurance policy
  • UW Exemptions and disease related medication exclusions.

It's best that you take your medication and go to rest! Wait a minute can authorisation of a prescription with an insurance company take as long  as thirty minutes? Sometimes it does.

With JPharmacy your customers can get online authorisations within seconds while you control dosage, gender, vaccination rights, doctor speciality, equivalent medication, pricing and many other aspects described in your health insurance policy.

UW Exemptions and disease related medication exclusion are also part of the solution which can stop medicinal leakage.

Permanent medication plans are also managed for ease of use and customer satisfaction.

Pharmacies can run the settlement processes with the Insurance Provider. Payment requests, delivery of prescriptions and all necessary collateral documents can easily be achieved with a click of a button.

Health Insurance Solutions

JSure Health Insurance Platform

JRules for Policy

JPolicy Maker for Contract Management

JMed Master

JSure B2B

Smart UnderWriter

JPharma Catalog

JPacks for Medical Image Transfer

Market Acoustics - Next Best Actions Suite

Our vertical expertise sets us apart

We are ranked among the best providers in EMEA region



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Public Services

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